2011년 1월 7일 금요일

Tower of the Flower

Your about to read a story about a place that is most beautiful and worst place. I expected it to be the explanation about the features of the tower. However, my friends changed it to a story about a knight Sharlemagne I never thought about that story. I love It!!!!!! Thankyou for all the writers that did a great job for my paragraph. Thank you for class24.
Enjoy it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     The most beautiful and the worst place would be the Tower of the Flower. It can make somebody happy or tired and sad. No one knows what is in there or what happens there. Today, in my story, I will tell you the biggest secret about the flower tower. The rumors say that the flowers in the tower has the secretive power.
     So one day, a guy with the sword on this waist came and tried to take the secretive power. He went inside the danger line of the tower began to smell a very good flower smell. So he tried to sniff it.When  he took his nose near the flower tower, the tower began to smell bad a lot so no one could even go near it.
     Fifty years passed but no one had ever tried to go in the Tower of the flower and find the sevretive power. Howevernobody volunteered! So the knight , who was called Sharlmange, went in side alone. But when the knight went in there , there was the stink every where, But Sharlmange had an idea. He spread flower spray in front of him and his face. So, he went up the stairs. I was confusing. The stair was bright but sometime dark. But when he was in the highest tower, he saw a sword.
     The stone that is on the sword said  " You hold the sword high. And the world is yours."  The knight hold the sword high. It was mde up y hell metal and heaven metal.
     It was the great sword Joyeuse. It had the magical power to make illusions in front of people. It had been protected by the magician, Merlin, for the bravest warriorcan take it and use it. Sharlemagne wa amazed by the sword's power. When he touched the sword, he could have the memory of 500 years. It was magical. When he came back to his village, people was marveled at the sword. It was because of the gold it gave to him. However, because of the  strong power of it, the sword was broken in two.

댓글 1개:

  1. i like the creativity in the part about the sword, Joyeuse!
