2011년 1월 24일 월요일

Out of my window(Montreal)

    During my writing class, I got a topic from a website, out of my window. The website introduces me about 14 people's life to me. We can see the view out of their window...... Isn't it so~~~ cool? So, anyway I got a topic 'Montreal' to write about. The person's name is Benoit. I am going to write a compare and contrast essay.  I will write a brief introduction about me. I live in  city of  Bundang of South Korea. There is variety of scenes that we can see out of my window. If we look out the window of my room, I can see some tall apartments and a river called Tan-Cheon. Also I can see beautiful mountains if the weather is not cloudy. I often use it to rest my eyes to prevent my eyes getting bad. In my father's room, you can see an other kind of scene. we can see cars going there way. Do you know why??? It is because there is a free way behind my apartment and my father's room is facing that side of room.
     First, I will introduce more about the view in my house and out of my house,too. If you step inside my house door, you will just see a wall 2 meters ahead of you. Then if you turn to the right side, you will see a bathroom and my room. My room is not that big. I have a bed, table, and a bookshelf full~ of books. Then you'll see the living room. Now, that you call big. we have a couch and very big table there, too. For whom??? For me!!!!!! And my study!!!!!!!!!!! We have a TV, too. In the bedroom, there is king-size bed and a powder room. In my father's room, there is a computer  on a table and a piano and 2 sides of the room is all~~~ books.
     Now, I will introduce the landscape out of Benoit's window. First, I could see a highway and very many cars. If you click on the short video that is on the website highrise, you can see more detailed explanation about it.I couldn't see that so~~ tall buiding out of Benuit's window. However, out my window,there is so many apartments infront of my apartment that are so tall. Also, I don't know very well of Benouit's rooms. However, I know he has a couch and a TV just like me through the Out of my window website.
    In conclusion, I will say a little about my opinion about this essay and review of it.Writing this essay, I was having a little hard time thinking about what to write. So, even if I make mistakes, I hope you understand it. Doing this assignment, I was very etertained,too. I could see the view of many people of the world. I didn't have time to watch all of the person's video. Anyway, it was so special time for me to watch many people's home and view out side of the window.

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