2011년 1월 11일 화요일

"Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

     In the film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" what lesson do you think the monk is trying to teach his youg student? Reflectively relate this learning process to your own personal experience.
     Today, I watched a movie called "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring". The monk saw the young student tieing a rock to fish, frog, and a snake. He was playing with lives!!! The monk thought he had to give a meaningful lesson. So, that was why the monk get a big stone and tied it just like what the young student playing with the lives.

     I think the movie was very educational. It told us not to do what the young student did. Also, I could learn that hitting or plain talking is not a best way. It told me that the best way is experiencing in the other's point of view. The young student was tied to a rock because the monk wanted to make him experience what he did to others.

     Most of the times, my teacher only tells my class to not do something and do something. That is why  I recieve some advices about friends from my mother. She always think about me and my friends side together. So, sometimes, I get disappointed because I felt that she is not at my side. However, I know she is right. If I am wrong and have something to correct, I do my best to do what my mother said. Now, I will talk about my experience. Also, in GLPS, my room PA helps my roommates and me to understand all the problems in this camp. There was some friend problems. However, she sometimes gave us a big advice and tell us to think at the other friend's side.

     Now, to my first experience. It was at home. I had a friend problem when I was 4th grader.  My friend was suddenly very rude and angry of me!! I told my mother, and she helped to remind me of a situation I maybe made a mistake of understanding to her. Thanks to her, my friend and I became closer that before.

     The second experience is in this camp. Actually, it is my friend's problem. However, I was telling her to clam down and listening to her and giving advices in front of her friend  that she was angry of. And I don't know detailed after story however, my roommate's ex-bestfriend was very angry at her. And at Honjung, my roommates were told not to make a group. PA said think in other people's view. I guess that helped my roommate to calm dowm a little bit.

     Like my experence about the point of view,  seeing in other people's view is very important. In problems of friend, studying, or worries see in others people or thing's point of view. It will help you a lot. Thank you for my writing teachers for giving me a chance to watch this great movie.


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