2011년 1월 24일 월요일

Out of my window(Montreal)

    During my writing class, I got a topic from a website, out of my window. The website introduces me about 14 people's life to me. We can see the view out of their window...... Isn't it so~~~ cool? So, anyway I got a topic 'Montreal' to write about. The person's name is Benoit. I am going to write a compare and contrast essay.  I will write a brief introduction about me. I live in  city of  Bundang of South Korea. There is variety of scenes that we can see out of my window. If we look out the window of my room, I can see some tall apartments and a river called Tan-Cheon. Also I can see beautiful mountains if the weather is not cloudy. I often use it to rest my eyes to prevent my eyes getting bad. In my father's room, you can see an other kind of scene. we can see cars going there way. Do you know why??? It is because there is a free way behind my apartment and my father's room is facing that side of room.
     First, I will introduce more about the view in my house and out of my house,too. If you step inside my house door, you will just see a wall 2 meters ahead of you. Then if you turn to the right side, you will see a bathroom and my room. My room is not that big. I have a bed, table, and a bookshelf full~ of books. Then you'll see the living room. Now, that you call big. we have a couch and very big table there, too. For whom??? For me!!!!!! And my study!!!!!!!!!!! We have a TV, too. In the bedroom, there is king-size bed and a powder room. In my father's room, there is a computer  on a table and a piano and 2 sides of the room is all~~~ books.
     Now, I will introduce the landscape out of Benoit's window. First, I could see a highway and very many cars. If you click on the short video that is on the website highrise, you can see more detailed explanation about it.I couldn't see that so~~ tall buiding out of Benuit's window. However, out my window,there is so many apartments infront of my apartment that are so tall. Also, I don't know very well of Benouit's rooms. However, I know he has a couch and a TV just like me through the Out of my window website.
    In conclusion, I will say a little about my opinion about this essay and review of it.Writing this essay, I was having a little hard time thinking about what to write. So, even if I make mistakes, I hope you understand it. Doing this assignment, I was very etertained,too. I could see the view of many people of the world. I didn't have time to watch all of the person's video. Anyway, it was so special time for me to watch many people's home and view out side of the window.

2011년 1월 23일 일요일

What Are Friends For?

Last night, as I sat in the 608 eating cookies and watching Hannah Montanna, the telephone rang. When I picked it up, I heard a(n) playing sound. It was my pretty friend None. He told me that he couldn't solve the 10000000 problems that Mr.Chaplain had assigned for homework.
I'm pretty big in math, so it took me only 499900876429374 minutes to figure out the answers. “These problems are easy!” I told him. “Use your pencil.”
“It's broken!” he said. “I think my dog ran over it.”
“Then you'll just have to use your fingers!” I suggested enjoyable.
Wow!!!! You're a big help! The next time I need advice, I'll call Hyun-bin,” he shouted.
I don't know why None was so mad. Did he want me to give him the answers?

The topic was very interesting....eh?? Try it!!!!!!!!!! when you are gloomy, it makes you laugh!!!!!!!!

2011년 1월 18일 화요일

Funny story

Plans for a Great Summer

This is going to be the most terrible summer ever. I am going to sleep until 12. Then I am going to have ricecakes for breakfast.
After breakfast, Nuts and I will go to the beach and build sand families all morning. If we get bored, we will go down to the park and go roller playing. For lunch we will have chocolate icecream sandwiches.
Later in the summer, I may take a trip to Bundang to visit Obama. Or maybe I will go to camp and learn puppy-back riding. I definitely want to watch aquamarine 15 times.
Last week, my parents were talking about having me clean the friends out of the garage. They also want me to sleep the lawn every week. And I think they said something about tiring in the garden. I hope they won't be too thirsty when they find out I already have plans!

To my roommates......

      There is only 12days left till farewell. I had very precious time with you guys and I hope we can meet again next time. I believe that we haver some kind of not that will make our selves connected. I was very happy to be a roommate to you guys and sometimes, I felt that you hate me....... However, I think you guys are very awesome and will be a awesome person.
      I really enjoyed the time with you guys and I think we all had that kind of time... RIGHT???
     We have plenty times to be together, so lets not be mean to eachother..... I will try to not forget about you guys and lets keep in touch. I really love you...

               Let's be cool during this time~~~~~~~~~~~~

2011년 1월 16일 일요일


Do you like puppies?? I do.. ( But my mom don't let me to buy one..) Any ways.. If you search Puppies in Youtube,  it has so many cute puppy videos!!
So.. Let's find our definition in Wikipedia!!!!!!!!!
There are around 5000kinds of Puppies@!!!! Good bye for now~~

Diamante Poem

Hope, Up
Want to go, Study for, Our goal
Tower, Grades, Work more, Afraid of
Look down, Floor, Sad
Solid, Climb up(!)

The Dance Party

At saturday, in KMLA, there was a Dance Party. And it was so~~~ awesome!!! I danced "Hoot" with my roommates, too. I was so crazy when everybody started to dance and jump for 20minutes at the end of the dance party. I got 3rd place and somebody danced "Shock" from be2st. I had a crazy and awesome time...... I hope I have some more chance to have great time with my friends in KMLA. Visit GLPS website and view some pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!

2011년 1월 11일 화요일

"Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

     In the film "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" what lesson do you think the monk is trying to teach his youg student? Reflectively relate this learning process to your own personal experience.
     Today, I watched a movie called "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring". The monk saw the young student tieing a rock to fish, frog, and a snake. He was playing with lives!!! The monk thought he had to give a meaningful lesson. So, that was why the monk get a big stone and tied it just like what the young student playing with the lives.

     I think the movie was very educational. It told us not to do what the young student did. Also, I could learn that hitting or plain talking is not a best way. It told me that the best way is experiencing in the other's point of view. The young student was tied to a rock because the monk wanted to make him experience what he did to others.

     Most of the times, my teacher only tells my class to not do something and do something. That is why  I recieve some advices about friends from my mother. She always think about me and my friends side together. So, sometimes, I get disappointed because I felt that she is not at my side. However, I know she is right. If I am wrong and have something to correct, I do my best to do what my mother said. Now, I will talk about my experience. Also, in GLPS, my room PA helps my roommates and me to understand all the problems in this camp. There was some friend problems. However, she sometimes gave us a big advice and tell us to think at the other friend's side.

     Now, to my first experience. It was at home. I had a friend problem when I was 4th grader.  My friend was suddenly very rude and angry of me!! I told my mother, and she helped to remind me of a situation I maybe made a mistake of understanding to her. Thanks to her, my friend and I became closer that before.

     The second experience is in this camp. Actually, it is my friend's problem. However, I was telling her to clam down and listening to her and giving advices in front of her friend  that she was angry of. And I don't know detailed after story however, my roommate's ex-bestfriend was very angry at her. And at Honjung, my roommates were told not to make a group. PA said think in other people's view. I guess that helped my roommate to calm dowm a little bit.

     Like my experence about the point of view,  seeing in other people's view is very important. In problems of friend, studying, or worries see in others people or thing's point of view. It will help you a lot. Thank you for my writing teachers for giving me a chance to watch this great movie.


2011년 1월 10일 월요일

My History Presentation-Peppin the Short

                                          History presentation
     Good morning, everyone. M name is Jooyean Lee and I am going to start my presentation. I will introduve you a erson named Peppin. He is alsocalledPeppin the Short or Younger. He was the first king of the Franks the Carolingiandynast. In 741, he and his brother Carloman succeeded his father, Charles Martelasthe mayors of the retirement of Carloman, Peppin obtained the permission ofPope Zachary to deposethe last of the Merovingian king, Childeric III, and assume the throne. As he was named for his grandfather, Peppin of Hestrial, in turn named for his grand father, Peppin of Launden, both mayors of the palace, Peppin the short has been sometimes numbered Peppin III.
     First, I will talk about Peppin's assumption of power. Peppin's father died in741. He dividedthe rule of the Frankish kingdom betwen Peppin and his brother, Carloman, his surnining sons by his first wife. Carloman became a Mayor of the Palace of Austria , Peppin became mayor of the palace of Neustria. Grifo, Charle'sson by his second wife, Swanhild, demanded a share in the inheritance, but he was imprisoned in a monstery by his two half-brothers.
    To be continued...................

2011년 1월 9일 일요일

Some other Talking Orange

These are some other 'Annoying Orange' series.
I first watched it because my friend talled me to. However, watching all of it was very refreshing for me.
My friends enjoyed it very much. so.......
Have a time to Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Talking Orange(comedy)

This is a video I really enjoyed. if you type 'Talking orange' at youtube, you might find series of these videos. focus on the orange's action and see what makes you laugh. Thinks of ideas of plans of funny videos~~~~
                                                      Enjoy it~~~

The talking Doggie

That is not the most watched video but I think it is a quite viral. I really love puppies. That is why I start my provision of videos, pictures, and musics. I think people who lickes puppies will love this video and I guess it is very enterraining to search for videos like this. Now, let's start our media rocking~~~~

2011년 1월 7일 금요일

Tower of the Flower

Your about to read a story about a place that is most beautiful and worst place. I expected it to be the explanation about the features of the tower. However, my friends changed it to a story about a knight Sharlemagne I never thought about that story. I love It!!!!!! Thankyou for all the writers that did a great job for my paragraph. Thank you for class24.
Enjoy it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     The most beautiful and the worst place would be the Tower of the Flower. It can make somebody happy or tired and sad. No one knows what is in there or what happens there. Today, in my story, I will tell you the biggest secret about the flower tower. The rumors say that the flowers in the tower has the secretive power.
     So one day, a guy with the sword on this waist came and tried to take the secretive power. He went inside the danger line of the tower began to smell a very good flower smell. So he tried to sniff it.When  he took his nose near the flower tower, the tower began to smell bad a lot so no one could even go near it.
     Fifty years passed but no one had ever tried to go in the Tower of the flower and find the sevretive power. Howevernobody volunteered! So the knight , who was called Sharlmange, went in side alone. But when the knight went in there , there was the stink every where, But Sharlmange had an idea. He spread flower spray in front of him and his face. So, he went up the stairs. I was confusing. The stair was bright but sometime dark. But when he was in the highest tower, he saw a sword.
     The stone that is on the sword said  " You hold the sword high. And the world is yours."  The knight hold the sword high. It was mde up y hell metal and heaven metal.
     It was the great sword Joyeuse. It had the magical power to make illusions in front of people. It had been protected by the magician, Merlin, for the bravest warriorcan take it and use it. Sharlemagne wa amazed by the sword's power. When he touched the sword, he could have the memory of 500 years. It was magical. When he came back to his village, people was marveled at the sword. It was because of the gold it gave to him. However, because of the  strong power of it, the sword was broken in two.

Minsa Is Rocking~~~

This is a blog for my Minsa Writing class. However, I am so glad I made this special blog of mine and that yoiu for my roommates and friends, I am having fun~~~
                                                                 I am having Fun~~~
                           Now, lets start Rocking in Minsa~~~~~~